That's normal - all 19 discs in the music book are just the soundtracks to their game, just re-pressed with a new CD label.

Note that the album art for each one is the Seiken Book, while the CDs read as their original games' soundtracks. The raw files are fine, the tagging on them may not be up to your standards, that's fine, change it however you want, I just want to give you the files. So I cleaned it up as best I could, uploaded it all, and just. One of them is missing the album image I used, just a green square of the Seiken Music Book, and refused any attempts to put it back in. I tried my best with EAC to make it as standardized as possible, but sometimes the Disc #/Disc Set # didn't work. This took me 4+ months to complete, through a combination of family problems, computer problems, and mental problems. Before we go any further, let me clarify: THIS RIP IS A MESS. The game comes highly recommended, but play the game for its music, if nothing else.Hello, I ripped this 19-disc monstrosity. Hiroki Kikuta returns (I think) to compose the music in SD3. It’s like Zelda, Squareified, for a complete lack of a better comparison. If you’ve played the others in the series, like Legend of Mana or Final Fantasy Adventure… well, you still know what to expect: run around and hit things with your sword. As far as gameplay, if you’ve played Secret of Mana you know what to expect. I seem to say that about every game, though. The whole “see the same events from a different perspective” thing works out really well here, it turns out.

The free Seiken Densetsu (Japan) game comes from the JP region. SD3 uses the old Squaresoft crutch of multiple playable characters within the same timeframe (see: Rudra, RS3). Use your computer, tablet or phone to download Seiken Densetsu (Japan) and turn them into an arcade machine using the wide variety of Nintendo Game Boy emulators available on RomsDL. And the less said about Sword of Mana the better. Sure, Secret of Mana may give it some competition, but I couldn’t stand SoM for some reason. This installment is unquestionably the best. Such is the way of all translations, I suppose. You guys didn’t have to endure the sheer pain that came before. Just think, all the newbies just take it for granted that SD3 is in English. Calling this game “Secret of Mana 2″ in front of the romhacking “scene” elite will earn you a quick correction, let me tell you something.